The inspiration for founding Taurus Industrial Services came from noticing a trend among plant managers, site leaders, corporate project engineers, and their many counterparts, where many of them spend an inordinate amount of their day identifying projects, shopping for vendors, coordinating contractors’ schedules, and satisfying internal stakeholders.

Project Engineering Experts

As the industry expands and contracts over the years, one thing remains constant: These individuals keep getting busier.

Taurus is a trusted resource to these busy individuals by offering a broad portfolio of subject matter experts to help streamline the project lifecycle by eliminating the individual’s need to shop and investigate dozens of potential vendors and instead leaving the shopping to us while we leverage our network to ensure the best company fit for the job, every time.

Taurus’s network of partners has grown from years of exposure to different industrial applications and the individuals who have made careers pursuing excellence in their field and in the customer experience. This combination of customer care and subject matter expertise has earned our confidence in inviting them to our customers’ sites to help with their project needs.